No Repetitive Stress Injury
A Java Program for Alert pause-break RSI  
© Goeneri - Pekanbaru Indonesia 2006

Take a few minutes to do a series of stretches and your whole body will feel better. It is helpful for you to take stretch throughout the day if you are working at a desk or computer terminal, stretching any area of the body that feels tense. This will help greatly in reducing and controlling unwanted tension and pain which can cause muscular tension and pain or get injury.
NoRSI is a program that assists in prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily work limit. requires a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed on your computer wich can be downloaded for free in form of © Sun Microsystem's JDK 5.0 .

Screen shots

GUI of NoRSI to set Timer to Splash

Splash with Sound to get Streaching or pause-break

Main features of NoRSI
  • runs on Windows, Solaris, Linux
  • set minute for pause-break
  • pause-break with sounds and images
  • different images and sounds for different minute of pause-break
  • you can change the image and sounds with yours
  • set minute to pause break in config.conf
  • gui to set minute provide
  • you can run with command or gui manually
  • easy to use and very small
  • 100% pure java

if you have a question please contact me by email

Download Site

1.) ZIP-file: use Winzip to extract the file to a directory of your choice
2.) JAR-file: put the file in a directory of your choice, change to DOS prompt and type
jar xvf norsi.jar

How to Run
1.) Windows: use norsi.bat Linux/*nix:
You should edit the path of norsi.bat (to run directly) or guinorsi.bat (with GUI) and or file to where norsi path extracted
2.) JAR-file:
run by java -jar norsi.jar